Internal Links are hyperlinks that are a reference or navigation element in a page of your website that point at (target) the same website as the website that the link exists on (source). This involves creating hyperlinks to another web page within your own website.
Internal linking is an effective approach to increase a page's anchor text (the highlighted text in the link) links which enlighten search engines on what your page is all about and help increase that page's ranking for specific terms. For example, a link from the home page to a category page or links from a product page to similar product pages.
Internal linking is an effective approach to increase a page's anchor text (the highlighted text in the link) links which enlighten search engines on what your page is all about and help increase that page's ranking for specific terms. For example, a link from the home page to a category page or links from a product page to similar product pages.
In short, internal links are links within the site and not pointing outside of the domain.
ya Mahesh you says right that internal link is effective way to increase any anchor text.
Because It is commonly known that major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and the like, place a lot of weight on backlinks and their anchor text related to terms they want to rank for.
Shrish Shankhdhar
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